Just for Fun, Try to Find the Frog
We were walking into the house and noticed a weird lump on the leaf of our hydrangea. Of course we had to stop and take a look. It turns out it was a little frog hopping around, probably looking for some dinner. Just for fun find the frog for yourself.
Let’s take a peek. Can you see him looking at you? He has an eye on you!
Okay, maybe we will walk around and take a look from the other side. Can you see his back? You would almost think you are looking at a leaf. This is what we first saw that made us stop and figure out what we were looking at.
You still cannot see him? Maybe a side view will help. He is sitting on a flower and not a leaf, so he doesn’t blend quite so well here. But I think you will be able to see him pretty clearly now. It was harder when he was sitting on a leaf.
Let’s say hello to our little buddy. What a fun way to end our day!
Such Fun!
We hope you enjoyed trying to find the frog. We will look for more secret friends in our garden and share them with you as we find them. Be sure to check back!