gift ideas for quilters

Gift Ideas for Quilters $25 and Under

Are you looking for affordable gift ideas for quilters? You have come to the right place. Here you will find gifts that are $25 or less. From practical to silly, we have you covered.

Gifts Under $10

Let’s start with gifts that cost less than $10. This would be perfect for a gift exchange, or anyone on a budget that wants to get something useful for a quilter in their life.

Mini Rotary Cutter

A mini rotary cutter is perfect for trimming small quilt blocks, cutting small pieces or wavy lines. Quilters typically have a 45mm rotary cutter for the majority of their cutting and a smaller one would be a nice addition.

Marking Devices

Water soluble marking pens are a necessity in my sewing kit. I use them mostly to mark lines for half square triangles, but they can be used for any necessary sewing project. The ink can be erased by blotting it with a damp sponge. I like to have a few around in case one dries out. I also like the chalk fabric markers. These are available in a variety of colors which is helpful when working with different colors of fabric.


A good sharp pair of scissors is always a must. Pinking shears are definitely a nice gift for anyone who does not have a pair. Their biggest advantage is that they help keep cut fabric from fraying. Also, multiple small pairs of sharp scissors are nice to have for clipping threads or corners at each of my machines. I tend to misplace them so I can never have too many.

Magnetic Seam Guide

A scant 1/4″ seam allowance is a must to get perfectly pieced blocks. The magnetic seam guide for sewing machines is a nifty tool to help achieve this. Make sure that whichever one you choose it has a strong magnet.

Pins and Clips

I am always excited when I get a a nice new set of pins for piecing my quilt tops. I use my pins for all kinds of crafts. They get bent, lost, or loose their sharpness.

The clips work great to attach the binding to a quilt. They also work well when I do not worry about matching the points in a block. I occasionally like to make a mindless quilt, one of my favorites is the Jelly Roll Race quilt style. These clips work great for these projects.

Check out Jenny Doan’s YouTube video on the Jelly Roll Race quilt here.

Stiletto and Pressing Tools

When piecing quilt tops where you want the points to line up a good stiletto is a must. It helps keep the fabric in the perfect position until the sewing machine needle catches it. I also like to use a pressing roller when I want to press my seams without having to go to the iron. This handy little tool will give you a good enough press to continue sewing, and save the iron work for a little later.

Some honesty about my stilettos. They can get lost around my house because everything around here gets used for purposes other than their intended use. So it is not uncommon to grab one to use, oh lets say, to put texture in clay or paint or poke some holes in dough, and then either misplace or ruin it.

Ruler Grips

These are applied to the back of quilting rulers to prevent them from slipping while cutting. This increases accuracy of cuts, and is also a little safety measure when using those very sharp rotary cutters. These are a definite must for quilters in my opinion.


Lets face it, many quilters have multiple books with multiple UFO’s (unfinished projects for you non-quilters reading this), and bookmarks will help them keep their place for the ones they are working on. There are so many kinds out there so you can really personalize these for the person you are purchasing for.

Gifts Between $10 and $25


Thread is always a good gift option for a quilter. They go through it pretty quickly and I know I personally hate buying it because it is a necessity and I cannot quilt without it. My favorite thread is Aurifil 50 weight cotton thread. I like it because it is a natural fiber thread and has a low lint output, which is great for machine maintenance.

Replacement Rotary Blades

Sharp rotary blades are a must! I always have these in my supply stock. As soon as my rotary cutter starts skipping I replace the blade. I ask for these a lot as a gift. My preferred brand is Fiskars. I know there are cheaper ones available but I am a diehard fan of these.


Not just any organizers! I have two organizers specifically in mind. The first are the 4 piece round bobbin holders. I highly suggest these for anyone who has multiple brands of machines because each one requires a different type of bobbin. I can assign one color to a machine so I know I am using the correct bobbin. Plus my threads stay in place and I don’t have bobbins rolling all over.

The other one I recommend is the desktop organizer. This handy little gadget organizes the tools I am using at that time. You cannot have too many of these. Even though they are made for sewing, these can be used throughout the house. I take one, put all my essential supplies for the project I am working on in it and put it at my station. When I complete the project I put all my supplies back where they belong.

Tailor’s Clapper

Clappers are used in sewing to set the seam after a piece is ironed. It absorbs the heat and moisture resulting in a crisp, flat seam. I think a blog post on how to make one is going to be popping up in our Woodcarving category soon!

Novelty Socks

I sew in my socks and really get a kick wearing different novelty socks. Look for some that would fit your gift recipient’s personality and needs. Warm gripper socks may be fitting if floors are slick and the weather is cold. Lightweight cotton socks are great for warmer weather. You can find socks with prints or sassy sayings. This gift definitely lets you buy based on different personalities, and I for one can never have too many pairs of socks.

Hopefully you found some great gift ideas for quilters in your life. Be sure to check out our other posts here.

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